Sikh Education Forum (SEF) Project: Breath is Life (BiL) Project


(Asian Independent)

As part of the National Lottery Community Fund, we are running the Breath is Life (BiL) Project in Quinton, Smethwick and Ladywood.

The aim of the project is to encourage a healthy lifestyle through breathwork and music to help people cope with anxiety and uncertainty. The project is helping to boost immunity, knowledge on breathing in a correct way for improved health conditions. The project encourages fitness amongst vulnerable adults. Moreover, we have explored different health and wellness themes through a wide range of programme activities which include:

Emotional / Mental

Processing your emotions through writing, talk therapy or in conversations with people you trust can make this task easier. Emotional wellness can help you manage your stress and build resilience in the face of temptations or setbacks.

• Chardi Kala attitude (keep a positive attitude)
• Be sensitive to your feelings and the feelings of others.
• Learn to cope with stress.
• Be realistic about your expectations and time.


The environments where you live, work and relax can have a significant impact on your mood and overall well-being.
• Occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
• Keep your environment organised and tidy
• Enjoying nature.
• Satisfaction with current and future financial situations.
• Growing your own food.


Exercise and eating healthy foods can reduce your risk of illness, bolster your mood and increase your energy levels ⁠—promoting both emotional and physical wellness.
• Treat body with kindness.
• Walk regularly
• Restful sleep
• Massage Therapy


Close friends and family members are there to celebrate the good with you, lament the bad and help you go through life feeling connected and cared for.
• Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.
• We need other people in our lives.
• Social support is one of the most fundamental human needs.


Attending to our sense of purpose and meaning in life.
• Identifying our personal values and making decisions that complement them.
• Mediate/prayers
• Gurbani vichaar

The project participants have reported a remarkable difference in their physical and emotional as well as mental wellbeing.


“I didn’t know what to expect but coming on this programme has really helped me to look at my self differently”. 67 years old woman
“I understand what emotional health is and how I can keep myself motivated”. 67-year-old woman.
“I am learning a lot about different dimensions of well-being, I feel, I gained lot from this project” 30 years old.
“ The facilitators are easy to talk to, and they make you feel at ease, you can ask them anything” 40 year old man.
“We laughed a lot, it’s good for the health” 85 year old man.
“ I learnt about breathing correctly, we tend to take our breath for granted, the techniques have helped me a lot with anxiety”.

One to one support is on offer please join us, we look forward to welcoming you.