Call for participants in well-being research

Navneet Rai

(Asian independent)

Readers are being encouraged to participate in a research study..

The research is led by Navneet Rai, pictured, who is studying for her Master’s degree in Occupational Psychology at the University of Leicester.

The research aims to investigate the impact of a short six-week online Yoga Nidra intervention on the well-being and perceived stress of remote workers.

Navneet is looking for participants who can commit to a 30-minute online Yoga Nidra intervention for a maximum of three times a week for six weeks. The online intervention will be pre-recorded and can be accessed by participants so that they can practice at any time of the day in their own time and from their own homes. Although the expectation is to practice three times a week, the minimum commitment would be two days a week for the six-week period.

To participate in this study, you will not currently be practising Yoga Nidra, meditation, yoga, or yoga-related activities.

If you wish to participate in the study, you will either be sent the intervention straight away or asked to join a waitlist for six weeks. If you are asked to join the waitlist, you will be asked not to participate in any yoga or meditation for six weeks.

As part of the study, you will be asked to complete a well-being and perceived stress questionnaire at two different intervals, one prior to the intervention commencing and one at a follow-up point after six weeks.

To participate, you will be expected to be living in the UK, aged 18+, and work full-time (either employed or self-employed) You will understand English, and not have any planned leave from work during the study. You will also work remotely for at least 40-60% of the time on a weekly basis. You will also not have any medical condition or diagnosis that will make it unsafe or prevent you from practising Yoga Nidra.

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