We require minimalism to take care of our needs and use minimax strategy (minimising the loss) by decision rule as a worst case with professional ethics

Professor M.M .Goel

Prof. M.M. Goel

Kurukshetra, (Asian independent) – “We require minimalism to take care of our needs by using minimax strategy (minimising the possible loss) by decision rule as the worst case with professional ethics,” said former Vice Chancellor and Needonomist Professor M.M. Goel, retired from Kurukshetra University.

He was addressing the participants of 2nd online Short-Term Training Program (STTP)   sponsored by AICTE at Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET) Samalkha concluded today. His topic was “Needonomics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030”. Dr. Akhilesh Mishra program coordinator delivered the welcome address and introduced Prof. Goel.

He said that there is a close relationship between decluttering and manifesting the lifestyle based on needonomics for reviving the economy suffering from recession during covid crisis.

We need to stop wastage of food and grains to ensure zero hunger as second target of SDGs even if we don’t rely the 94th ranking among 107 nations in terms of Global Hunger Index by questioning the credibility of the data releasing agencies, told Prof. Goel.

To improve SDG index ranking of India from 117th, we have to use full potential of schemes under Atamnirbhar Bharat Abhiyan for generating employment by treating business more than money making   as social entrepreneurs with moral values, believes Prof. Goel.

He believes that the SDGs are shared goals and all of us are required to contribute in achieving them and justifies  sanskars to be imbibed  as a necessary and sufficient condition for ensuring inclusive growth as care for the cared- less and use of the used- less  people.

For exploring the path ahead for achieving SDGs, we need concrete plan of action for controlling population which is otherwise given lip service, said Prof. Goel.

SDGs are interconnected and indivisible and balance the economic, social and environmental   dimensions of sustainable development, told Prof. Goel.