Washington, The US believes in Italian democracy, State Department sources said on Wednesday, after Premier Giuseppe Conte unveiled a new Centre-Left-Populist cabinet expected to improve ties with the European Union and to be softer on immigration.
“We have faith in Italy’s solid democratic institutions,” the sources told AKI.
“We respect Italy’s strong democratic history and are eager to continue our close cooperation with Italy during this political transition.”
Italy, a member of Nato and the Group of Seven “is an active and determined transatlantic partner”, they said.
The US and Italy work together internationally “to uphold democratic ideals, especially in places affected by civil conflicts and war”, they added.
“The partnership between Italy and the US is one of the strongest, and Italy is a leader in military and peacekeeping operations around the world,” the sources underlined.
Conte has named the leader of the grassroots 5-Star Movement, Luigi Di Maio, as Italy’s new Foreign Minister. Di Maio, served as Deputy Premier, Industry Minister and Labour Minister in the previous 5-Star coalition government with the far-right League party.
The newly formed coalition government will be sworn in on Thursday and is due to be approved by parliament in the following days.
The 5-Star-League government, which was also led by Conte, collapsed last month when League leader Salvini pulled out in a vain attempt to trigger a snap election.