Update on the campaign for the Repeal of Anti-Conversion Laws


(Asian Independent)

Dear friends,

This petition is about saving the soul of India and its rich vibrant tradition of secularism and communal harmony. As we know, 9 states already have a law that bans religious conversions and more states are leaning towards such legislations, including Karnataka, which recently saw turmoil over the wearing of hijabs by Muslim women. The anti conversion laws affect the rights of Christians, Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis and Women. They violate the essential principles of secularism in the Indian Constitution. While the citizens of Karnataka were resisting the anti conversion bill, the Haryana government also passed the bill in their legislature.

Given these circumstances, it is vital that we continue raising our voices to repeal all anti-conversion laws in India and appeal that the Right to Freedom of Religion is secured. On behalf of the National Solidarity Forum, I would like to thank all 37,127 who signed this petition. By doing so you have spoken up for secularism, a principle that many of us cherish and believe is worth saving.

Urgent Action Needed

I urge each of you to spare a few minutes and circulate this petition in your WhatsApp groups and other social media networks to involve a wider section in this campaign.

Click here to Share this message on WhatsApp: India’s beauty lies in its multiculturalism, diversity and legacy of peaceful coexistence. This can continue only if the Right to Freedom of Religion is upheld and the persecution of minority groups is stopped. Sign to save the soul of India: Change.org/RepealAntiConversionLaws

This is the latest poster with the views of Mallika Sarabhai on this issue:


Thank you
– K.P Sasi