UN Security Council signals support for Special Envoy on Yemen


Statement by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at the Security Council briefing on Yemen

I thank the representative from Kazakhstan for his statement and I now make a statement in my capacity as the representative of the United Kingdom. First of all, to Mr Ging, thank you very much for your briefing. You heard the words of appreciation from Council members today to your team and for everything you do and I’d like to add the United Kingdom’s voice to that. We will continue to disperse over $200 million to the people of Yemen to support your efforts.

To the Special Envoy, thank you too for your amazing efforts and also those of your team. I hope the strong unity you have heard from the Council today can be a real spur to efforts in taking this forward:

  • I think it’s been very good that we’ve all been able to express concern about the reports we have heard today of the attack on the hospital and on the fish market;
  • Very strong reassurance from members of the Council that it’s important to uphold the International Humanitarian Law and protection of civilians, and I think that was absolutely unequivocal from the Council, and obviously the United Kingdom joins that;
  • Very strong condemnation too for the attacks by the Houthis on the Saudi oil tanker and other attacks in the Red Sea and concern about arms shipments that are coming through the Red Sea. I think we all look forward to the forthcoming panel of experts report;
  • And a call from the Council to the Houthis to come and work with you and follow the Security Council Resolutions even as we recognise the commitment to halting attacks in the Red Sea, I think we all feel that it is now time to take this to the next stage.

There was unconditional support for your efforts, Special Envoy, and a real hope that the 6 September talks in Geneva can start a very viable process and I think you could count on all members of the Council to unify around your efforts and build momentum for what you have started.

Thank you very much.