(Asian Independent)- There are two Bhagwan Valmiki Mandirs in India those the Valmikans throughout the world should look on to because the past and present is attached to them. The future also depends on them because they are the key to future success.
The newly built Bhagwan Valmiki Ashram in Amritsar by Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Prakash Singh Badal and the Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Delhi where Gandhi Ji stayed for nearly nine months to show of his solidarity towards low caste population during freeing of India from British Raj.

Firstly, let us take into account the Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Delhi. There were other religious places in Delhi but why did he choose the Valmiki Mandir and did the task of sweeping to show of his solidarity. He could have chosen another Mandir and selected another task for his purpose but instead he gave preference to the Valmikians. But Why? This has baffled me and many others for so-many years and still cannot workout the ground behind his choice.
There was something Gandhi Ji feared of the Valmikians. It could be their closeness with Dr Ambedkar in Punjab. Punjab stood in support of Dr Ambedkar in time of his need. This should also be remembered that in oppose to Gandhi Ji’s death fast, a Valmikian Babu Chuni Lal Thapper and a Ravidassian Babu Mangoo Ram Mughewalia both sat on death fast to stop situation getting worse.
Pandit Bakshi Ram’s closeness with Dr Ambedkar may have instigated Gandhi Ji to shelter in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Delhi. The reasons can be many but the question still remains why he chose Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir when there were others also within the vicinity. The tourists’ from all over the world are coming here to pay their respect.
There are some people who are intentionally labelling Ramayana and Maharishi Valmiki as myth meaning andh-vishwas. If such is the case then Gandhi Ji should have stayed away from the Valmiki Mandir and the Valmikian people. He should have picked some other sect that is realistic.
Guru Ravi Dass Ji, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Govind Singh Ji have all addressed praise for Bhagwan Valkmiki Ji. Surely they could see something that these myth inventors cannot see.
In Guru Granth Sahib, praise by Guru Ravi Dass Ji for Bhagwan Valmiki JI is included. With the wisdom they had, they could surely differentiate between the fact and myth. If it was a myth then they would have not included in their BAANI because it is based on Sat meaning truth.
The Valmikians respect all religions but when their God is insulted, they have every right to stand and protect pride and dignity of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji Maharaj.
The other Mandir of concern is Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Amritsar. The Mandir has ancient history attached to it. Sita Ji and her two children Luv and Kush have spent a good part of their life here. Here they caught Shree Ram Chander’s horse and war was fought over it’s release.
Bhagwan Valmiki Ji through his power produced Amrit and woke all the sena from moorsha. Through the grace of this Armrit, Amritsar name is present today.
The Mahants, Bhagwan Valmiki Central Sabha (UK) has fought through the Courts in India were the ones who stirred trouble when MLA Jaswant Rai made a SARAAN (a Shelter hall) for the Valmikians to use in Valmiki Tirath. He used Government funds to build it so the Mahants also wanted to use it.
A disagreement between both parties developed and situation seemed to worsen so Guru Gian Nath Ji was taken to Police station for his safety. Guru Gian Nath Ji’s presence in the Police Station was worsening the situation. The sadhus sat on death fast outside the Police Station.
The news reached England and an action committee was formed. The Valmikian and Ravidassia brotherhood both stood together for early arbitration because Guru Gian Nath Ji’s age was main concern.
The Indian Government quickly intervened and brought matter to an end but the occupancy of the Valmikian land remained in the hands of the Mahants until Bhagwan Valmiki Central Sabha (UK) came on the scene and today on the same spot we have magnificent Bhagwan Valmiki Ashram.
The Valmikian congregation in Pakistan is on increase and this is a good sign. It shows that the ones who left are returning back. Ties between Pakistani and Indian Valmikians will have to be improved because our history originates from Sapt-Sindhu Ghatti and today Sapt-Sindu is Pakistan.
They are our brothers and sisters and are also followers of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji Maharaj. The Pakistani and the Indian Valmikians should find ways for close amalgamation.
May Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s blessing be on all.
Thank you.
M. Teji