Trump shows fortitude as vultures circle up above

U.S. President Donald Trump

New York,  A week it is said is too long in polity. After the slow burn initially, things have now begun to gather pace from what Trump describes as partisan witch-hunt to a impeachment probe careening out of control.

A catalogue of subpoenas and testimonies despite a White House bar seems to have changed the political atmosphere here in the US. From passionate Trump supporters to an almost fanatical anti-Trump section of the populace, America stands rabidly divided over his current presidency and coming re-election.

Between the Republicans and the Democrats, there is an almost visceral hatred towards one another accentuated by the ‘T’ factor in what is an extremely polarised electorate.

The all consuming inquiry which has Washington in a flutter is running in parallel with the 2020 Trump re-election bid. One would think that Trump in his present situation of discomfiture would resemble a prisoner shackled by his own infamy, manacled and ferreted by his misdeeds. But instead he has fulminated against the wretched and discredited Washington swamp and shown great resilience and fortitude.

After ex-US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch deposed before the lawmakers for nearly 10 hours at a closed-door deposition, Democrats have scheduled depositions next week with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent, State Department Counselor Ulrich Brechbuhl and US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are obviously not giving up the hint, even as the prey Trump proves too crafty for them.

An oblivious Trump, although the heat may be getting to him, remains unruffled. Once again the Twitter warrior went into combat over Rudy Giuliani: “So now they are after the legendary ‘crime buster’ and greatest Mayor in the history of NYC, Rudy Giuliani. He may seem a little rough around the edges sometimes, but he is also a great guy and wonderful lawyer. Such a one sided Witch Hunt going on in USA. Deep State. Shameful!”

Pointing out to business as usual, Trump put this out on his Twitter handle over the protracted negotiations with China on a prospective trade deal which has caused tumult across the world, claiming that he was on the verge of a breakthrough: “The deal I just made with China is, by far, the greatest and biggest deal ever made for our Great Patriot Farmers in the history of our Country. In fact, there is a question as to whether or not this much product can be produced? Our farmers will figure it out. Thank you China!”

He followed that up by saying: “….Other aspects of the deal are also great – technology, financial services, 16-20 Billion in Boeing Planes etc., but WOW, the Farmers really hit pay dirt! @ChuckGrassley @joniernst @debfisher @BenSasse Thank you to all Republicans in Congress for your invaluable help!”

The CNN reported that speaking in Louisiana, the President once again used the rally — his second in two nights — as a perch from which to fight back against the impeachment inquiry, which he termed “unconstitutional.”

Trump told the crowd that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — who had announced the inquiry less than three weeks ago as the whistleblower’s allegations were beginning to consume Washington — “hates the country.”

“I used to think she loved the country. She hates the country,” Trump said. “Nancy Pelosi hates the United States of America, because she wouldn’t be doing this.”