Triratna Boudha Mahasangha Tamil Nadu organised one day reaffirmation program


Tamil Buddhist Council News
December 25th, 2023

(Asian Independent)- Triratna Boudha Mahasangha Tamil Nadu organised one day reaffirmation program for Dhammamitras of Triratna Boudha Mahasangha who are closer to Trichy district. The program was organised with the help of Dhammamitra Manimaran, Dhammamitra Kaliyaperumal, and Dhammamitra Gauthama Prabhu. Dhammamitra Maneesh led the meditation. Dhammamitri Deepika led the Puja.

The Dhamma Talk on the Relevance of three Dhammamitra vows was given by Dhammamitra Gauthama Prabhu. We expressed our sincere gratitude to Triratna Boudha Mahasangha who helped us in maintaining our spiritual practices through their training programs and constant spiritual friendship. Dhammamitra Sasikumar, Dhammamitri Deepika, Dhammamitra Kaliyaperumal, Dhammamitra Manimaran, Dhammamitra Gauthama Prabhu, Dhammamitra Maneesh, and Dhammamitra Muthukrishnan reaffirmed with the three mitra vows and dedication. Many Dhammasahayaks participated in this program. Special thanks to Dr.Periyasamy for providing us the space at Bodhi Vihar Meditation Centre, Sooriyur, Trichy; and sponsoring for the lunch. With lots of metta! 🪷🪷🪷