To minimize the data limitations for research without plagiarism, we have to reduce time lag and strengthen the data base for future predictions


Prof. M.M. Goel

Kurukshetra, (Asian independent) – “To minimize the data limitations for research without plagiarism, we have to reduce time lag between the collection and publication of data on socio – economic indicators and strengthen the data base for future prediction,” said former Vice Chancellor and Needonomist Professor M.M. Goel, retired from Kurukshetra University.

He was addressing the participants of 3rd online Short-Term Training Program (STTP)   sponsored by AICTE at Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET) Samalkha concluded today. His topic was “ Challenges in Social Sciences Research with Ethical Perspectives  ”. Dr. Akhilesh Mishra program coordinator delivered the welcome address and introduced Prof. Goel.

To address ethical perspectives of challenges in research, we should interpret the data with the help of statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) which is necessary but not sufficient and calls for proper analysis to draw policy implications, believes Professor Goel.

There is a need for policy implication oriented research and not only t-value significance at 95 percent level of significance with many disconnections, said Professor Goel.

The research in social sciences is a donkey work requiring diligent researchers with higher emotional quotient (EQ) more than intelligence quotient (IQ) which is possessed by the computers using artificial intelligence in present times,“ believes Prof. Goel

The quality of research is directly correlated with the infrastructure, commitment of the researchers and can be done by having capabilities, desire and to enjoy it, told Prof. Goel.

To improve the quality of research, the researchers have to be street smart (simple, moral, action oriented, responsive and transparent) with commitment, told Goel.