To implement national education policy for needoeducation, we have to adapt well-defined Public–Private–Partnership (PPP) model

Frontpage PPT on July 15,2021 NEP Rajkot

VC Starex University M.M. Goel

Gurugram, (Asian independent) “To make national education policy  sufficient for needoeducation  in the global Knowledge economy of today, we must have a time frame for the implementation  and adopt well-defined Public-Private –Partnership (PPP) model”, believes, Professor M.M. Goel, Vice-Chancellor Starex University and founder of Needonomics School of Thought here today.

He was addressing online Vice-chancellor’s Conclave on National Education Policy organised by Sunshine Group of Institutions Rajkot today on the topic ‘Challenges in Implementation of National Education Policy ’. Dr. Vikas Arora Director welcomed and presented citations on the achievements of the Vice-Chancellor Starex University Prof. M.M .Goel.

He justified HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Sills) with creativity, innovation and critical thinking along with human values and ethics for Needoeducation to ensure needo-employment and needo-entrepreneurship.

To improve governance, a single regulator as National Higher Education Commission have to be street smart (simple, moral, action oriented, responsive and transparent) with effective leadership at all levels of operation, told Goel.

For efficiency, sufficiency and equity in the system of higher education, we must link fee structure and user charges with inflation rate based on retail prices so that high-cost recovery is ensured smoothly, said Professor Goel.

To become the part of the global chain in higher education, we need to accept the the challenge of the competition with   spiritual training of teachers based on sermons from  Gita and Anu-Gita  for enlightened citizenship and deepening democratic roots told Professor Goel.

To implement National Education Policy smoothly, we need the revival of the National Population Commission for the control of population, said Professor Goel.