Mitej Teji


(Asian Independent)- With Almighty’s blessing – Mother India – has started to get justice that was needed to preserve and maintain solidarity and equality in India.

The Constitution, following a lot of consultation and deliberation was introduced because since ancient times a lot of hatred has been against the Dalits which is still ongoing. Professor Dr Ritu Singh’s case sums it all. Unfortunately, even today they cannot bear to see Dalit progress and are trying to stop all the means to it.

The British have ruled in India and before them was Muslim reign but they have both failed to give any serious attention towards improvement of the Dalits because they were under the higher castes influence.

The higher castes to show of their superiority in India, they used to run the Dalits down in the eyes of the ruling powers. This kept the Dalits away from receiving any attention and it benefited them.

They spread hatred against the lower castes in such a way that it’s poison took hold straightway and they became just like them. Because of this hate filled influence, the ruling bodies failed to give any attention until Pandit Bakshi Ram and Babu Mangu Ram came on the scene.

Pandit Bakshi Ram and Babu Mangu Ram were involved in the Adhi-Dharam movement in Punjab which was trying to get all the thirty-six lower castes together to fight against Brahmanism. Adhi-Dharam movement at that time was doing exactly the same what I.N.D.I.A is doing now.

It must be remembered that the Dalits were the ones who had to wear spit pots and drag branches behind them to erase their foot prints. It shows how evil the Brahminism was. A dog could drink water from the pond but the Dalit wasn’t allowed. It seems they had no appreciation for humanity until Baba Sahib Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar intervened into this.

In the episodes of Ek Maha-Nayak Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar, the Dalits are shown wearing spit pots. This shows that Dr Ambedkar was close to them and this could be the reason why he took on the Dalit issues and presented them at the Round Table Conference in London.

At that time, the Dalits were his main concern because the mistreatment he was enduring through Brahminism reminded him of the pain they had gone through since Aryan arrival in India and were still victim to it. He was in close contact with Pandit Bakshi Ram and Babu Mangu Ram because of the Adhi-Dharam movement in Punjab.

Dr Ambedkar demanded that India be divided in three parts. One part for the Hindus, the other for the Muslims and the third for the inhabitants of India. This failed to please Mahatma Gandhi Ji because he wanted to keep the inhabitants and the Hindus as one unit.

To show of his care and solidarity towards the inhabitants he chose Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Delhi. He sheltered here for many months and it is on the record.

Mahatma Gandhi Ji gave the name Harijan to show that the Dalits are also God’s being as everyone else. To him Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was Dalit’s God. Now by some Bhagwan Valmiki is being put forward as a Brahmin meaning a Hindu which is totally groundless.

If Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was a Brahmin then Mahatma Gandhi Ji would not had chosen the Valmiki Mandir. He chose it because to him it was a Dalit temple. Also, Guru Ravi Dass Ji has praised Bhagwan Valmiki Ji in his Baani. He had done so because to him Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was an Adhivasi. Actually, Guru Ravi Dass Ji was fighting against Brahmanism.

The BJP through introduction of Manusmirity wants to bring back the hate filled environment that Dr Ambedkar Ji had put an end to. The war now is between 15% corporate minded people and the 85% general public which includes people from all walks of life, culture and religions.

The Constitution promotes equality and respects all religions. It allows all to preach as per their religion but Manusmirity promotes only one sect and spreads hatred towards the others. Since BJP’s take over in 2014, the hatred towards the Muslims and the Adhivasi population has greatly increased.

Dr Ambedkar even though received a lot of mistreatment from the Higher Castes but he has drafted the Constitution in complete fairness to all. Since 2014, the people from all walks of life in India and worldwide have started to appreciate the value the drafted Constitution by Baba Sahib Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Ji. He is now becoming a household name in India.

A lot is on stake in this 2024 election. All the parties have united together to save Mother India from slipping into Dark Age. Even RSS has come forward to join I.N.D.I.A because they also do not want Modi Ji to succeed in the 2024 elections. For the RSS to Join I.N.D.I.A is a big thing but the reason behind this will eventually come to light.

The sacrifices of the freedom fighters, those the Indians are proud of will become worthless because the BJP has no regard or respect for them. They are going to remain alive until the Constitution is present in India and if Manusmirity takes over their names are going to fade away. Already history is being rewritten which will be taught if BJP succeeds.

Since BJP’s take over in 2014 unemployment has massively increased. Education has greatly suffered. Free education has been privatised. This has totally disabled education for the poor because they cannot meet the cost.

If BJP win’s, the fate of the poor is going to get worst but if the opposition wins they should give priority to the welfare of the poor because they are not just a number for the votes but they are the ones who have built town and cities for us.

Finally, it is the greed of the MPs that is responsible for the state they are in. The MPs will have to stop filling their own pockets. Only then India can progress. The MPs are also responsible for the corruption in India so they will have to pull away from greed and put Mother India before their own needs.

Jai Bharat.

Mitej Teji.