The Emotion of a mother

Surjit Singh Flora

(Asian independent)

By: Surjit Singh Flora

The emotion of a mother,

so tender and deep,

A facade of reality,

Yet its essence we keep.

Superficially real,

it may seem, at first glance,

But beneath the surface,

its truth does enhance.

Oh, how wondrous it is to ponder,

A tale so hard to believe,

I ponder, Crafted with care,

a masterpiece divine,

Unfolding a love that knows no line.

The love, so tender and contagious,

That children know, without stages,

They take for granted, unaware,

In innocence, they do not care.

Oh, the depths of motherly emotion,

A love so profound, defying explanation.

All who experience it,

Both give and receive, But mother love,

Oh, how it’s hard to conceive.

Untouchable, this love,

So pure and divine,

Words fail to capture its essence, so fine.

No description can do justice.

no phrase can convey

The depth of a mother’s love, day by day.

Oh, the overprotective soul,

Shielding child from life’s true toll.

No struggles, conflicts to behold,

There is no responsibility to unfold.

Disappointment, a foreign land,

Feelings, untouched by his hand.

The real world, kept at bay,

In this sheltered, guarded way.

But, oh, dear heart, let him be,

For growth lies in adversity.

Let him face life’s bitter strife,

And learn to navigate this life.

For in struggle, strength is found,

And in conflict, wisdom is crowned.

Let him taste the bitter and the sweet,

And learn how to rise from defeat.

To embrace both joy and sorrow, unshaken.

Yet, in the realm of vulnerability,

The richness and depth of love unfold,

Worth every moment of joy,

And every tear, a story to be told.

So, release your grip,

let child roam,

For in the real world,

So, child find his home.

Embrace the lessons that it imparts,

And watch him blossom, in his heart.