The Art of Learning (Go Do)


(Asian Independent)- Jermy Harbor is one of the most successful businessmen in England, who reveals the secret of his business success by writing somewhere in his book Go Do: “I believe that when you stop learning, you start moving towards your end. The significance of these words in human life can be very well understood if we read the above words spoken by Jeremy Harbor closely. In fact, what Jeremy said is one hundred percent true. It is true that if human thinking stops in one place, it becomes stinking like stagnant water. All scientific inventions refer to the dynamics of human thinking. Those human beings who put a stop to the pursuit of further learning and discovery, their life is by no means inferior to hell. On the other hand, those who are steadfast in their tune and are constantly on the lookout for further advancements, eventually reach the destination of great achievements.

The next thing is that some people make the mistake of considering the achievement of educational qualification as a great achievement whereas the real achievement can be assessed only after applying the educational qualification in the practical field, otherwise the educational qualification is a piece of paper. The above cannot be understood as more than the name of someone written by an educational institution. Jeremy also notes in his book that the sense of success that comes after the repeated failures is in itself a great and satisfying feeling.

Jermy says there is danger in every moment of life. There is danger in both learning and crouching, but the risk posed by accounting is detrimental in very few cases. Secondly, if the fear of dangers is removed, we will not be able to do anything successfully. Therefore, to do any work, one must has to take a risk. He also writes that a person who has not experienced failure in life, in fact such a person can never experience success properly in life nor can he enjoy it. This book by Jermy Harbor itself is full of many points of life and commercial success and is a must read.

Shingara Singh Dhillon (Prof)
0044 7806945964