Summary of evidence in Shopian encounter case completed: Army

Indian Army

Srinagar, (Asian independent) The Indian Army on Thursday said the ‘summary of evidence’ proceedings into the July 18 Amshipora Shopian encounter case have been completed.

The army said that the matter is being examined by the authorities concerned in consultation with legal advisors for proceeding further.

“Indian Army is committed to ethical conduct of operations. Further details will be shared in a manner so as not to prejudice the proceedings under the army law,” Defence spokesperson Rajesh Kalia said.

Three persons were killed in an “encounter” with security forces at Amshipora in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian district on July 18, but the incident came under the scanner when families from Rajouri claimed that their kin who went to Shopian to work as labrourers had gone missing.

The results of the DNA samples of the family members had matched with three persons — Imtiyaz Ahmad, Abrar Ahmad and Mohammad Ibrar — killed during the operation. Their bodies were exhumed and handed to the families in Rajouri. APolice arrested two people who were under suspicion.

An initial army inquiry had found that security personnel had exceeded their powers under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) into their encounter killing.