New Delhi, Lt. Governor Anil Baijal on Thursday asked the Delhi Police officials to be sensitive towards the cases, especially while dealing with those related to crime against women and sexual offences against children, to help the victims overcome trauma.
Baijal, while chairing a law and order meeting of the Delhi Police, advised them to have an in-house legal cell at the level of Joint Commissioner of Police (Range) for effective assessment and monitoring of the cases and to plug loopholes in the investigation.
He also directed to take steps to address the urgent need for augmenting facilities at Forensic Labs and the Prosecution Branch, incommensurate with their workload.
He noted that sensitive handling can help the victims deal with the trauma and assist the investigation so that it reaches its logical conclusion swiftly.
During the meeting, the Delhi Police informed Baijal that investigation of cases related to crimes against women was being accorded high priority.
They said that the investigations of rape, cases related to the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and other cases of crime against women were assigned to women investigation officers, preferably of Sub-Inspector level.
A task-force has also been constituted to monitor cases against SC/STs and those falling under POCSO Act.