Russia calls on US to abandon use of force in space


Moscow,   The Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday urged the US to abandon steps to beef up its missile defences in space, which could hamper the global strategic stability.

“Apparently… the preparations for the creation of the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) space grouping are another step towards the realization of the task of ensuring ‘American dominance in space’,” Xinhua quoted the Ministry as saying in a statement.

On Thursday, the US House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, which stipulates the “development and deployment of persistent space-based sensor architecture” by the end of 2022 to ensure the effectiveness of Washington’s missile defences, according to the bill published on the US Congress website.

“We carefully analyze the possible consequences. We call on the US side to show prudence and not to repeat mistakes of the past,” the Foreign Ministry said, adding that armed confrontation in space can be as dangerous as nuclear arms race unleashed by Washington in the middle of the last century.

It said that Russia stands against such adventures and give priority to the exploration of outer space for exclusively peaceful purposes.

“We count on the fact that Washington will nevertheless refuse steps that have the most negative impact on the state of international security,” the Ministry said.