Chandigarh, (Asian independent) Expressing dissatisfaction with the state’s 19th rank in the Ease of Doing Business Survey, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Wednesday said his government aims to put the state in the top five next year, with a new system of deemed approvals to facilitate setting-up of industries.
The Chief Minister said his government was working on implementing a system of deemed approvals wherein online automatic clearances will be issued on the expiry of stipulated time period.
The process of setting up new industrial parks to attract investments from foreign and domestic companies was also on, he said, citing the upcoming state-of-the-art mega parks in Ludhiana, Rajpura, Bathinda and Mohali.
Noting that Punjab was the number one state of the 20th century, he invited industry to be a part of the government’s efforts to help the state regain its pre-eminent position.
Reiterating his government’s commitment to fully supporting investors as they strive for normalcy in the post-Covid environment in the coming year, Amarinder Singh said his team of officers would do everything possible to help and facilitate industry in Punjab.
Inviting the industry to partner the state in improving its skill training and make it more job-oriented, he said: “You need skilled manpower and you can absorb these trained youth at better rates.”
The Chief Minister was chairing a virtual round-table conference with some industry leaders on the job landscape and required skill-set for the post-Covid world, organised by a private university under the ‘Punjab Ghar Ghar Rozgar and Karobar Mission’.
Underlining his vision to provide employment in every household in the state, he cited the success of his government’s flagship programme to increase employment and employability of youth.
District bureaus of employment and enterprise have been set up in all districts, he said, adding that his government was working to respond to the demands of skilled labour by the industry.
Skill deficit in the unemployed youth is identified, and matching is done with employer demands, he said, adding that more than 8 lakh youth have registered themselves on the portal to avail this.
The Chief Minister further said the New Education Policy would be tweaked by his government to suit the specific requirements of the state, particularly in the context of the post-Covid environment that would need a new skill-set for providing employment to youth.