Chennai, (Asian independent) Puducherry Chief Minister V.Narayanasamy on Thursday charged Lt. Governor Kiran Bedi of preventing distribution of 5 kg rice to raton card holders during the Covid-19 lockdown period and insisting that only cash should be paid.
Speaking to reporters, Narayanasamy said the Puducherry government had decided to distribute rice to the people holding red colour ration cards as per the Central government decision whereas Bedi insisted on cash payment equivalent for the rice.
He also said Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah had told him to distribute rice to the people.
Narayanasamy said subsequently Bedi changed her decision in favour of distribution of rice but ordered that the rice bags should be carried in buses.
The Chief Minister wondered as to be basis on which Bedi can interfere in the day-to-day affairs of running the government, contravening a court verdict.
However, on Thursday, law makers of AIADMK, BJP and AINRC locked the entry and exit gates of the Puducherry Assembly and sat on protest demanding distribution of rice and charged Narayanasamy of shifting the blame on Bedi.
Later they met Narayanasamy who assured them that the rice will be distributed to the ration card holders.
In a counter-moved, Welfare Minister M. Kandasamy protested outside Raj Nivas demanded sanction to distribute rice to the ration card holders.