PTI candidate killed in Pakistan suicide attack


Islamabad,   Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) candidate Sardar Ikramullah Gandapur has been killed after a suicide bomber targetted his vehicle in DI Khan’s Kulachi Tehsil, officials said.

Gandapur was said to be leaving his home for an election meeting on Sunday when his jeep was targetted, Geo News reported.

The PTI candidate was among four injured in the attack and succumbed to his wounds at the hospital. He was first taken to District Headquarters Hospital but was then shifted to the Combined Military Hospital’s (CMH) operation theatre owing to his injuries.

“Two police guards and Gandapur’s driver were injured in the attack,” the deputy commissioner told Geo News, adding that their condition is critical.

Investigations are under way, the police said, adding that severed limbs of the suicide bomber have also been recovered from the blast site.

The former agriculture minister in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was contesting the July 25 polls from PK-99 (DI Khan-V).

Gandapur’s brother, Israrullah, was killed on October 16, 2013 in a suicide bombing while greeting visitors on Eid-ul-Azha in his hometown of Kulachi.

He was a serving minister in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government at the time of his death and elected from the then-PK-67 constituency.

Gandapur was elected on his brother’s seat after a by-election following his death.

Their third brother, Inamullah Khan Gandapur, is a senior bureaucrat who has served in the Federal Investigation Agency and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government.

Their father, Sardar Inayaltullah Khan Gandapur, served as the chief minister and finance minister of then-NWFP government in the 1970s.