(Asian Independent)- The Iron Lady Dr. Ritu Singh Ji has started to gain worldwide sympathy. Her determination to stop injustice towards the natives of India has earned her worldwide praise. The Professors from the native communities are losing their jobs and Dr Ritu Singh is one of them. Many Scholars, the Lawyers and the public members are also standing with her to save education and equality established via Indian Constitution.
Dr. Ritu Ji is a true devotee of Baba Sahib Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar and through her keen observation she noticed that RSS Ideology is behind this. She felt that all the lower caste communities need to know about this so she started a protest and it is still ongoing.
This propaganda that Mr Modi is giving 5 kilos of wheat every month to 80 crore people, is repeatedly being transmitted from the Godi Media and on the ground their presenters are also repeating the same phrase during the public interviews. The public is cutting them short by saying that apart from this, it seems you do not have nothing else to ask.
Every body knows that the BJP has failed to fulfill the promises they have made and by repeating his generosity they feel they are portraying a good side of Mr Modi Ji. The publics answer to them is that if Mr Modi Ji had created 20 crore jobs those he promised then their families would not be relying on the five kilos of wheat but would be earning to maintain their families.
It is a total failure of the BJP Government. Any sensible person can easily see that 5 kilos of wheat cannot last whole month for a family. This has nothing to do with their welfare but it leaves an impression that how helpful Mr, Modi Ji is. The fear within the majority is present that If the BJP wins in 2024 elections, with it is going to come the Era of slavery in India.
Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar Ji put an end to slavery via his drafted Constitution. Since 1947 India has progressed in all directions. The bond between all the communities and the religions had improved. Equality had progressed to extent where inter-caste marriages were becoming a norm. To start inter caste marriages, Dr Ambedkar Ji himself remarried a Hindu lady.
India has, in agriculture, warfare and in development immensely improved. Following a lot of research, India is now amongst the world leaders in Space race. This success has come through contribution of the all previous Governments. Should they have not laid the foundation then the progress India has made would not have happened.
The Roads, the Railway, the Hospitals, the Airports, the Seaports, the Army, the Airforce, the Navy, the Schools, the Universities and the rest have not just happened, a lot of planning and legislation is behind this success. It is a combined effort since our Independence and no Party on its own can claim credit.
Seeing how a Dalit lady Dr Ritu Singh is being treated by the Authourities. In presence of the Indian Constitution her cries are falling on deaf ears. The Police instead for standing for the victims is assisting the oppressors. Even though were sworn under the oath of the Indian Constitution are now working against it.
Takin this into account, makes one to wonder what Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar Ji went through in his time. He single handily was fighting for the Dalits. He had no protection of any legislation. Only tool he had was his degrees because no one matched his number. Being best in education all bowed to him and drafting of the Constitution by him is the living proof.
His service, sacrifice and devotion given to Mother India and its people has won him the title of Personality of the last Century. Every effort is being made by the BJP Government to replace his drafted Constitution with the Manusimirity.
If the Manusimirity succeeds then the code of Manu will apply which is totally against the Dalits, the Women and differentiates in Gender. The women could lose their independence they are enjoying under the Constitution and return back to house core duties. All the struggles and strives the women have gone through to be part of the society will come an end because as per Manu Code their destiny is to do house core duties and to serve their husbands.
The women in India are nearly 50% of the population so they have to decide in the 2024 election whether they want to remain independent or return back to just house core duties. The Police women who are mistreating and using unprecedented force should rethink twice.
If Manusmirity takes over then where do they fit in. In Manusmirity a woman is a woman and her place is in the house and no where else. Wearing a uniform does not change a woman’s DNA identity. The Manusmirity has no space for such promotional occupations. Its message is very clear that a woman’s duty is to maintain her house and to serve her husband.
The Dalits should not be given any opportunities to progress. Dr Ritu Singh Ji being a wise and educated lady, has sussed them out and raised the alarm that under this Government the future of India is going to be very bleak. Now it is up to all the lower caste communities which includes the Shudras, OBC, Scheduled tribes, Scheduled Castes, Dalits, Adhivasi and the minorities to thoroughly think prior to voting.
The election fever in India is increasing and un-expected incidents may happen. The BJP is going to do whatever it needs to stay in power. The Courts and especially the Supreme Court will have to make and give firm decisions because all the eyes are set on it. At the moment the public is lacking of confidence in the Supreme Court.
All will have to go above their religious beliefs, only then the Constitution can be saved and Independence preserved. Failing, fascism is going to take over and India is going to slip into dark age.
Now, it falls on all who believe in Democracy to come out and participate in the protests to save freedom for the coming generations. MOTHER INDIA NEEDS YOU NOW.

Jai Bharat.
Mitej Teji.