(Asian Independent)

President Biden is a very experienced politician and former Secretary of state, former Security Advisor, retired Four Star General honourable Colin Powell highly respects him and has complete faith and trust in his ability because he has worked with him.

Mitej teji

Some are voicing for return of white supremacy in America and in India voices are also being raised to establish Brahmin dominance through reinstating of the Manusmriti.

Mr Trump and Mr Modi became quite close and when the Corona virus was spreading fast in America and in India, they both should have declared lockdowns but instead Mr Trump was getting ready to visit India and Mr Modi was busy in his preparations and having a long wall built to hide the state the millions living in Gujarat

To please Mr. Trump, Mr Modi had the water diverted from River Ganges into River Jamuna to hide the state of it and it’s banks behind the Taj Mahal.

Soon after Mr Trump’s departure, a complete lock down all over India was declared. Mr Modi failed to give any consideration to the millions of migrant workers working in Delhi and in the other states. Millions were seen on the roads walking back to their homes thousands of kilometres away.
All the means to public transport were stopped.

The Government even knowing of the danger they were facing failed to give any consideration to their safety and their welfare. There was an outcry all around the world and after a few days a few buses were laid by the Government.

Unfortunately, politics seeped in and the buses were seen parked on the roads and the migrants were walking past them on foot.

When they reached their states and in some states they were grouped together as a flock of sheep and sprayed with disinfectant in a very inhuman way. People watching worldwide were shocked to see how the migrant workers were being treated by the authorities in India.

Presently, the Kisaans and the labouring force together are protesting on the borders of Delhi because the BJP Government has introduced three farm laws those benefit the corporations but have endangered the livelihood of the millions of Kisaans and the Labouring force all over India.

The protesting parties want these three laws to be withdrawn because they can see the dire consequences they will be facing but the Government keeps insisting that they are in their favour.

The Government has a moral responsibility to give consideration to the welfare of the protestors. The protestors are on the borders of Delhi because the Government has failed to carry out proper consultation with the Kisaan and Muzdoor Unions and has also failed to hold a proper debate in the Parliament.

As the Government is showing no interest towards the necessities of the protestors, the Indians living in India and abroad have come forward to fulfil their needs. The tents, the medical facilities, the food, the toilet facilities and all the other needs are being met.
The Muslim, the Sikh, the Hindu and the Christian brotherhood have all come forward in support of the Kisaan and the Muzdoor protestors. They have overcome the barriers laid by the Brahmanism since many, many centuries. India needs a united brotherhood and not a segregated society.

The Kisaans from Punjab started the protest but now the Kisaans and Muzdoors from all over India are coming to Delhi to participate in the tractor march on the 26th January 2021. The people all around the world know that the tractor march will end in a peaceful manner unless the Government has different ideas in the bag.

India and America are the two main democratic countries. Unfortunately, the democracy in both countries has had a bit of stumble through Mr Trump and Mr Modi. Under their leadership white supremacy in America and Hindutva in India has started to gain momentum.

It is a blessing that the partnership between Mr Trump and Mr. Modi has come to an end otherwise disastrous effects would have been felt in India and America.

The Indians all around the world have faith in President Biden and Kamala Harris that they will stabilise democracy in America and help the Indians to keep and preserve the Indian Constitution in India so it remains a democratic country.

The three laws are the main pieces of the Hindutva jigsaw and this is why the Government is so defiant to withdraw them.

For the farmers these three laws are going to be extremely harmful because in time they will steal their land and their livelihood. The farmers are well aware of how the Hindutva operates; it promotes the minority to richness and the majority to live on the scraps.

The influence of Manusmriti remained in India until Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar finalised and presented the Indian Constitution and it was officially declared on the January 26, 1950.

He withdrew Manusmriti from the system because it spread hatred and categorised humanity in four varnas. It seems Mr Modi wants to reinstate Manusmriti to bring back the hatred and promote differentiation through caste system as it was prior to the Indian Constitution.

In modern age the clocks cannot be turned back for the joy of some. In millions, the people are on their way to Delhi to show their solidarity against the Government that is aiming to steal their livelihood.

Various Governments have taken control of India but none has given any serious dedication to the issues of the under privileged and the Kisaans. The Governments have looked down on them and have purposely kept them below poverty line so to gain their votes through false enticements.

The people in India have become much wiser now. The Indians who as to caste, race, origin or culture are not permitted to enter politics in India but in the foreign countries are serving as MPs in the Governments because all have equal opportunities. In India Caste and religion rules the roost and not the ability of the person.

We should all learn to live and let the others live so The caste system needs to be abolished in India.

Jai Bharat.
– M. Teji