PM appoints new members of Senior Salaries Review Body


Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Miss Pippa Greenslade and Mr David Sissling as members of the Senior Salaries Review Body.

The Prime Minister has approved the appointment of Miss Pippa Greenslade and Mr David Sissling as members of the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB), with immediate effect. The appointment is for a term of three years. The SSRB provides independent advice to the Prime Minister and ministers on the pay of many of the nation’s senior public servants.

Biography of Miss Pippa Greenslade

Miss Pippa Greenslade was Group Human Resources Director of Bakkavor plc, a global provider of fresh prepared foods from 2013-2018. Previous roles include Global Human Resources Director at the British Council and senior HR positions with Cadbury plc.

She is currently a Trustee of Christian Aid and was a Trustee of the Whitehall and Industry Group between 2014 and 2019.

Biography of Mr David Sissling

The early part of David’s career was in the private sector. He joined the NHS in 1993 and he has subsequently made a wide range of leadership contributions, mainly as a Chief Executive, including a number of regional and national roles. He has also worked at senior levels in the Civil Service.

David is currently working as a Senior Leadership Adviser for NHS England and NHS Improvement.