Palestine blames US peace plan as “declaration of hostility”

Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas

Ramallah,  Palestine reiterated its rejection of the US Mideast peace deal, describing it as a “declaration of hostility” against the Palestinian people.

“The plan poses a serious threat to the rules-based international order and the foundations of international law,” according to a position paper issued by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Public Diplomacy and Policy Department on Sunday, Xinhua news agency reported.

It said that the proposed plan grants Israel “immediate rewards of annexation,” leaving Palestinians with no sovereignty at all.

“The US plan presents a disconnected and inviable archipelago of Palestinian communities stripped of any sovereignty or viability, engulfed in Israel’s belly and denied of any control over borders, airspace, territorial waters security or natural resources,” said the statement.

According to the paper, Palestine is ready to engage in “constructive and meaningful political effort on the basis of international law, relevant UN resolutions and the Arab peace initiative,” and the Palestinian leadership is ready to work with the international community to achieve a real peace on this foundation.