Over 40% ‘not satisfied’ with Rahul Gandhi’s work in 5 poll-bound states

Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi, (Asian independent) Over 40 per cent of the respondents in the poll-bound states of Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are ‘not satisfied at all’ with the work of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, as per the latest ABP-CVOTER-IANS State of States 2021 tracker.

According to the survey, cumulatively, 40.5 per cent people are ‘not satisfied at all’ with Rahul Gandhi’s working style, while 18.5 per cent are ‘very much satisfied’. The data also showed that 20.2 per cent are ‘satisfied to some extent’, while 21 per cent chose the ‘don’t know/can’t say’ category.

The sample size for the survey was 98,121 covering 690 Assembly seats in the five poll-bound states. The survey was carried out between September 4 and October 4.

In Punjab, where Congress is the ruling party, as many as 53.1 per cent are ‘not satisfied at all’ with Rahul Gandhi’s performance. Only 6.7 per cent are ‘very much satisfied’ with Rahul Gandhi’s performance, while 18.9 per cent respondents are ‘satisfied to some extent’. The sample size here was 18,642.

In Uttarakhand, 54.1 per cent respondents, highest among all the poll-bound states, are ‘not satisfied at all’ with the former Congress President’s working style, while 14.7 per cent are ‘very much satisfied’. The sample size for the state was 13,975.

In Manipur, 27.4 per cent of the respondents are ‘very much satisfied’ with Rahul Gandhi’s work, 21.5 per cent are ‘satisfied to some extent’, while 42.1 per cent are ‘not satisfied at all’.

A total of 46.2 per cent of the respondents chose the ‘not satisfied at all’ category for the Congress leader in Uttar Pradesh, while 13.3 per cent said they are ‘very much satisfied’. The sample size for the state was 50,936.

In Goa, 16.1 per cent are ‘very much satisfied’ with the Congress leader’s working style, while 23.2 per cent opted for the ‘satisfied to some extent’ category. The survey was carried out on 13,048 people.