Newton-Paulet Fund: Call for research proposals in Peru


Newton-Paulet Fund provides funding for high-quality collaborative research projects that focus on the relationship between food, nutrition and health in Peru.

This initiative led by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and CONCYTEC seeks to provide funding for high-quality collaborative research projects that focus on the relationship between food, nutrition and health in Peru. It is carried out under the framework of the Newton-Paulet Fund in science and innovation.

The call seeks to generate scientific and technological knowledge relating to food, nutrition and health, in a multidisciplinary and collaborative manner, by granting funds to create Research Circles that develop projects between organisations and researchers from Peru and the UK.

A Research Circle is composed of a group of researchers from different entities that work collectively in different disciplines. They will conduct research to further multidisciplinary scientific and technological knowledge.

The Medical Research Council (MRC) seeks to improve the health of people in the UK and around the world by supporting excellence in science and training the best scientists.

The proposals must address the food and nutritional challenges of Peru and have relevant results to improve human health and / or fight diseases in Peru. Funding institutions have strongly encouraged interdisciplinary proposals in this call. More details on the priority lines of research here, where you can find presentations and the contact details of British research organizations interested in participating in research projects in Peru.

Interested researchers can find more information by clicking here. It will also list the steps to follow to present research project porposals.

How to apply:

Those interested in submitting a project must submit and Expression of Interest until 16 August After submitting the Expression of Interest, the complete project proposal must be submitted by 20 September 2018

You may write to [email protected] with inquiries.

Newton-Paulet Fund (MS Powerpoint Presentation5.33MB)