New Year 2022 Message of Greetings from Starex University Gurugram

Professor M.M .Goel

Professor M.M. Goel

(Asian independent) To welcome New Year 2022 for change, transform and strengthen ourselves for the opportunities, we have to be alert, aware and awake (AAA) by coming out of the comfort zone and no catch 22 situations. We have to celebrate the occasion with some introspection on 2021 and some resolutions for 2022. We have to recognise the merits of every individual around us in society. We have to resolve to enrich our knowledge and experience in 2022.

To manage the challenges, we should be ready to work without worries (www). To reduce if not remove discriminations, deprivations, discontent and distrust in democratic development (6D) of India, we have to adopt needonomics (economics of needs) with no to greed. We need to change our looks, actions and words (LAW) to make it the real law of the land more than the legal safeguards in the Constitution of India with all its amendments.

We need real education as proper, productive and practical (3P) use of (3H) head (intelligence quotient), heart (emotional quotient) and hands (human resources with the dignity of labour). We have to synthesize traditional values with new values in INDIA as independent, nonviolent, democracy with integrity and amity as our vision and mission after covid (AC) known earlier as after Christ.

We need to respect time. We can regain the wealth and save it from uncertainties and risks in covid crisis but lost time never comes. We have to treat time as a lifesaving drug that must be used judiciously for the development of skills and training for survival, existence and excellence in all walks of life. To understand time, we need to learn its uses in seconds. We don’t work when we have to work and do not enjoy our weekends which are meant for leisure and pleasure for enhancing efficiency and productivity. We need time management in all walks of life. It is no use in beating the bush and repents later on.

To move forward with morality, opulence, victory and empowerment, we need to resolve the to-do list, a not-to-do list with a sense of commitment for the true self as a soul without fear as the death rate is zero. The death rate is 100 per cent if one consider self as a body. We have to be fearless and live life without the panic of the third variant of covid Omicron.

We have to improve our responsiveness by adopting 24 hours, 07 days, one month and one year model for respective services with citizen charter. Consistency in quality and excellence is the need of the hour. We need to identify engines of socio-economic life with the effective use of artificial intelligence (AI).

We still have to learn many things including accepting the relationships as they are with a jubilant spirit in the New Year. Let our choices in 2022 reflect hope and enthusiasm!

 Happy New Year!

*Vice-Chancellor Starex University Gurugram.