New date of Olympics not restricted to summer 2021: Bach

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach

Beijing,  International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach said all options are on table for the new date of Tokyo Games, and that the postponement needs sacrifice and compromise of all the stakeholders.

“The agreement that we want to organize the Games at latest in summer 2021, that means the task force can consider a broader picture. This is not restricted just to summer, the options are on the table, before and including the summer 2021,” Bach said in a teleconference with near 400 reporters around the world on Wednesday, according to Xinhua news.

Announcing the unprecedented decision on Tuesday, the IOC gave no specific new date, saying only it would be “beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021.”

“The timing is a challenging question. We ask the Coordination Commission together with the Organizing Committee to study in detail. They have now formed the task force with a very good name of ‘Here we go’ and need consultation first of all with the 33 International Federations. We have to see what the options are.”

“Secondly we have to take into consideration the sports calendar around the Olympic Games and many other issues. I think we should come to a solution as soon as possible, but first priority should be the quality of the decision to really be able to take all stakeholders into considerations.”

Bach also said the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics need sacrifice and compromise of all the stakeholders.

“This is like a huge jigsaw puzzle, every piece has to fit. If you take out one piece, the whole puzzle is destroyed. Therefore everything has to come together, everything is important. Professionalism and dedication of the Organizing Committee make Tokyo the best prepared Olympic city ever. I’m confident we can put a beautiful jigsaw puzzle together.”