Natural England’s chair announces retirement


Natural England’s chair Andrew Sells has announced his intention to retire in January 2019.

Natural England’s chair Andrew Sells has announced his intention to retire in January 2019.

Andrew Sells has held the position of Natural England chair since January 2014 and during his tenure the organisation has demonstrated its vital role in promoting conservation and protecting biodiversity.

Natural England’s chair Andrew Sells said:

It has been a huge privilege and pleasure to serve as the chair of Natural England and, thanks to the highly capable and committed staff, the organisation has changed for the better.

During my tenure, we have tried to work much more with people to achieve shared outcomes and moved closer to the people we work with through a devolved area structure; we have radically reformed our licensing activities; we have published our Conservation Strategy and have been instrumental in shaping the Government’s 25 year Plan for the Environment; we have advised on 90 Marine Conservation Zones and we have made long strides towards completing a path around England’s coast.

I would also like to thank the Secretary of State for leading the Government’s commitment to improve the environment within a generation; and James Cross, our chief executive, for his drive, determination and tireless hard work to reform our organisation.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

Natural England plays a vital role in safeguarding our natural environment as well as enabling people to access and enjoy it. Andrew Sells’ energy and commitment have been exceptional and I am very grateful for all that he has delivered as chair.

Natural England’s chief executive James Cross said:

I want to thank Andrew for all his hard work leading Natural England’s dedicated staff and volunteers across the country. Natural England’s great achievements over recent years are testament to Andrew’s driving passion for reforming Natural England and protecting our environment.

The recruitment process for the new chair will commence shortly.