(Asian independent) Whole India united to gain Independence. The Hindu, the Muslim, the Sikh, the Christian and the Adhivasi all stood together to free it from the British Raj. The British Government was reluctant because this would open the doors for the others to follow.

Unfortunately, some of those who believed in Manusmirity kept aside because it declares them as superior to rest by birth.  For being superior by birth, they look down upon the others. An uneducated upper caste on grounds of his birth, considers himself a better person than a highly educated low caste professional. Dr Ambedkar fell victim to this and it was this experience that instigated him to outlaw Manusmiriti.

Indian women are now present in all fields because the Indian Constitution has opened doors for them to progress.  Prior to the Indian Constitution, they were voiceless and were considered to be fit, only for the house core duties.  Sir William Wilberforce in England outlawed worldwide slavery and Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar in India outlawed Manusmirity because it classified and degraded society on religious grounds.

Dr Ambedkar was the most intellectual person of that time in India.  He possessed highest number of degrees but because of being an Adhivasi he had to face hatred of the Manuvadhies.  To establish equality he outlawed Manusmiritry.

But the Brahmins and the Thakurs have failed to oblige.  They have held onto their hateful ideas since Independence. Raping and taking advantage of the Adhivasi women is quite a normal thing for them and the women medallists’ outcry sums it all.

Brij Bushan, the President of the Indian Wresting Federation is in question?  Even after the POSCO FIR he was not restrained.  Instead, the Police and the Government stood in his support.  The public came out on the roads in support because they were standing for pride, dignity, safety and protection of the females in India.   The police’s behaviour towards the protestors and the medallists was quite disgusting.

The most annoying part is that the BJP Government has MP’s with serious crime records. By joining the BJP, they have become sin free and are walking free.  Quite a few have joined the BJP to escape their arrest.  Brij Bushan’s freedom following the POSCO FIR is a good example.

The Medallists have failed to get the justice they were seeking.  Now, their last hope is the Supreme Court.  From their failure, one can easily see that the poor in India have got no chance at all because they cannot support the court fees.  Their disablement is being preyed upon and even the police members’ are culprits.

Attempt to murder Chander Shiekhar has failed.  It looks that the idea behind this was to get rid of him because he and his Bhim Army is standing in protection of the Constitution.  It is quite likely that many more names may be on their list because establishing of Hindutva is their priority.  Everyone’s fear is that to gain votes, mob lynching upon poor could be increased.

For generations the Valmikian and the Ravidassia brotherhood have failed to unite.  A poster IK JOT DE DO PRAKASH PRABHU VALMIKI TE GURU RAVIDASS has been prepared to highlight Satguru Ravi Dass Ji’s praise for Bhagwan Valmiki  Ji.  The Shabad Vichar is included in the Baani.

Now a claim by some is being put forward that Bhagwan Valmiki was not an Adhivasi but a Brahmin.  About 90 years ago the same was floating around.  Late Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji and his associates researched onto this and fought through the courts to establish that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji was an Adhivasi.  My father late Hazara Ram Teji wholly supported Pandit Bakshi Ram and I do the same.

Presently the History is being changed and such has also happened in the past.  In the past, Tulsi Ramayana was introduced to shelf the Valmiki Ramayana.  For a long period Tulsi Ramayana had ruled but gradually the Valmiki Ramayana has come back again.  To cause confusion Bhagwan Valmiki Ji’s indentify was changed.

At that time, two Valmikis were invented and it was put forward that the Valmiki who was a dacoit belongs to the Valmikians and the one who has written Ramayana is a Hindu Brahmin.  Pandit Bakshi Ram through his research has proved them wrong.  The changes are being done now and the same was done at that time.

The poster’s message is very clear that Satguru Ravidass Ji is gracing Bhagwan Valmiki Ji is as an Adhivasi and not a Brahmin.

Dr Ambedkar stood for hatred towards the Dalits.  The Dalits are classified as the inhabitants of India. Mahatma Gandhi Ji for nearly nine months sheltered in Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir – Delhi.   There were other religious places in the vicinity but why did he choose Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir?   The answer is that he chose this Mandir because he knew that Bhagwan Valmiki Ji is the Dalit’s Guru.

The people trying to put forward Bhagwan Valmiki as a Brahmin should also study Pandit Bakshi Ram Ji’s research.

The poster IK JOT DE DO PRAKASH BHAGWAN VALMIKI TE GURU RAVIDASS is voicing for the Valmikian and Ravidassia togetherness. Getting together of these two communities is most essential at this time.

Mother India seeks UNITY so all regardless of caste, culture or creed should unite to save DEMOCRACY in India.  In America, Prime Minister Honourable Modi Ji has openly said that Democracy’s DNA is present in American and Indian blood.  Time will tell whether he meant what he said?

Remember India needs you now so everyone should come forward to keep it a secular country.

Jai Bharat.

  1. Teji