Massachusetts ex-governor joins 2020 presidential race

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Washington, Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, the second elected African-American governor in US history announced his late entry into the 2020 Democratic presidential race.

“In a spirit of profound gratitude for all the country has given to me, with a determination to build a better, more sustainable, more inclusive American Dream for the next generation, I am today announcing my candidacy for President of the United States,” Patrick said in an online video on Thursday, Xinhua news agency reported.

In an interview with CBS News, Patrick, 63-year-old moderate Democrat and close friend of former US President Barack Obama, said he did not support the single-payer healthcare plan Medicare for All and would prefer to simplify the tax code while raising taxes on “the most prosperous.”

Local media noted that his message sounded akin to the theme of some other moderate Democratic hopefuls.

Last week, US businessman and former mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg filed paperwork to join the Democratic presidential primary in the US state of Arkansas.

he current Democratic field is sprawling but still lacks a decisive frontrunner, analysts said.