Man jailed for throwing drugs into Bristol Prison after Solicitor General’s referral


Jason Weeks’s sentence is increased to 15 months immediate custody.

A man caught providing drugs to Bristol Prison has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred it to the Court of Appeal for being too low.

Jason Weeks, 26, was stopped by police after CCTV caught him throwing drugs over the prison wall into the exercise yard from a vehicle. When searched, more drugs were found in the vehicle, as well as at Weeks’ home, where he was also growing cannabis.

Between those drugs thrown into the prison, in the vehicle, and those found at his home, Weeks was responsible for over 1.5kg of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids.

Weeks was originally sentenced at Bristol Crown Court in May, where he was sentenced to 16 months’ imprisonment suspended for 24 months. Today, after the Solicitor General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 15 months immediate custody, with the one month reduction due to recent progress he has made.

Commenting on the imprisonment, the Solicitor General said:

“Weeks risked seriously undermining the important role Bristol Prison plays in many of its inmates’ rehabilitation, in particular the work they do to address substance misuse. I am pleased that the Court of Appeal has today agreed to increase his sentence to show that crimes of this nature will not be tolerated.”