Patna, (Asian independent) As the seat-sharing arrangement has not been finalised in the Opposition INDIA bloc, Union Minister and senior BJP leader Giriraj Singh on Thursday launched a veiled attack on the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) National President Lalu Prasad and said that the latter can give tickets to any leader from the INDIA bloc without even holding discussions with the Congress and Left parties in Bihar for the Lok Sabha elections.
“INDIA bloc does not exist here in Bihar. Lalu Prasad can distribute tickets to anyone. He is acting like a king. The Congress has no value for him,” Singh said while interacting with mediapersons in Bihar’s Begusarai.
The RJD supremo has given tickets to six candidates without consulting the Congress and Left parties in Bihar, the Minister added.
Four out of the six candidates are contesting the Lok Sabha election in the first phase, he said.
“Today is the last day of filing nomination for the first phase of election but INDIA bloc has not yet finalised the seat-sharing arrangement in Bihar. Congress does not know the number of seats it is contesting here,” Singh added.
“Such a situation is not only in Bihar but also in Maharashtra as well. The party leaders in NCP-led Sharad Pawar are claiming one constituency and candidates of Uddhav Thackerey-led Shiv Sena are in another. Congress is on the sidelines there as well. The INDIA bloc has no relevance in the country,” he said.