Bishan Dass Bains

Bishan Dass Bains

Friends I am not a historian but I do read history. The KUMBH MELA of this year is not only a talk of the town now but a talk of the whole world. The world media TV, tabloids and social media were full of praise for the KUMBH MELA highlighting it the largest religious gathering in the world. Prime minister of India Mr. Narinder Modi had declared the Mela a Maha Jag of unity, social cohesion and economic empowerment. His face was visible all over on poster and he praised the crowd extraordinary and unforgetable.In the aftermath of Wednesday’s crush he called the incident extremely sad. The unfortunate happening at the Mela took place resulting in 30 deaths and dozens injured in stampede. Subsequently the tone of the entire world media change to condemn the administration and a large undisciplined gatherings at the banks of Ganga/ Jamuna Ghats.

The history of KUMBH MELA goes back to seventh century king Harshvardhan who ruled northern / central India from 606 to 647 century. Like samrat Ashoka he fought and won battles many battles and extended his rule in to far north India and converted to Budhism. He used to come after every 5/6 years to the place where rivers Ganga/Gamana meet. He used to organise a Maha Danna Mela, at a ceremony clean and give bath to a large statue of Budha and change a new Cheever. Then he used to perform a Maha Dann Caremoney donating a large amount of money and golden jeoulary to the statue of BUDDHA. Then he used to give Danna to Buddhist monks, intellectuals, distinguish persons, widows and poor peoples. There after the Maha – Danna caremoney he used to perform holi dip/bath in the Ganga/Jamuna Ghat. This Maha Danna Mela used to carry on for several days with out any issues of concern.

Then India was invaded by foreign rulers from 8 to 12 centuries and destroyed/changed the architectural, economic and social structure of India. The Maha Danna Mela of Samrat Harashvardhan gradually taken over by the Hindu fundamentalist and changed its name as KUMBH MELA. There after ever since over years there have been several incidents resulting in many deaths and human injuries. It is not only the KUMBH MELA but also some other places of religious and large social gatherings where many people had lost their lives trampled in stampede.

In Andhra Pardes 6 people died and 35 injured in stampede at a temple in January 2025 when devotes rushed to get free entry tickets.
In UP Hathras last year 121 people crushed to death when crowd rushed to see a religious preacher.
In January 2022 a massive crowd at KUMBH Mela stampede 12 people to death and was no mention in the press.
On 27th August 2003, 39 people trampled to death and 140 badly injured.
In November 2013 more than 115 people lost their lives and hunders injured at Ratangarh temple in UP.
In 1954 at Allahabad (now Priyagraj) 800 people crushed to death in stampede. KM has been one of the hubs for Hundutatva movements and politics, 50 dead.

In 1820 485 people lost their life in stampede at the KUMBH MELA.
The attendance at the KUMBH MELA reduced during 1934 to 1938 because of British raj introduced pilgrimage taxes.
In 1760,-1200 died in clash between Shaivate Gosains and Vashnavites.

This is not the end of the whole story of people lost their lives at large gatherings at like KUMBH MELA and some of other religious places in India. When this dreadful happening took place people are quick to blame the administration and the government responsible to organise such events. These things had track records of people lost their lives in stampede over the years.

The administration can not be fully blamed for all the tragic happenings but the real culprits are the illiteracy and blind faith.
The greatest weakness of the illiterate people is the lack of Knowledge and ability to challenge things. The majority of the illiterate people are easily lured into believe in mythical and superstitious things. It is quite easy for educated and clever people to misguide and make them believe that taking a dip in Ganga/Jamuna they will get pardon of their sins and any wrong doings in life, you will go to heaven and they will be free from the circle of life and death. As long as there is illiteracy and people believe in mythical things such as drops of Amrit were droped from a pitcher at four Holly places and there is a mythical river Sarasvati passes through at the place of so called trivani,innocent people will suffer unexpected deaths.