Killer Modi is coming to United States again

Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India

New York (Asian independent)

Himmat Singh – Coordinator, SCCEC
Harjinder Singh – Media Spokesman, SCCEC

Killer Modi is coming to United States again with planned appearances on September 21st in

State of Delaware; September 22nd in Nassau County, NY; and September 23rd at the United

Nations headquarters in NYC, on the pretext of attending the Quad meetings. Sikh Diaspora

along with other oppressed Indian minorities is going to vehemently protest the presence of Modi

in United States. In a well-attended conference call under the stewardship of Himmat Singh,

Coordinator, Sikh Coordination Committee East Coast (SCCEC) with major US Sikh

Organizations last night which unanimously agreed to urge the US administration to take

following actions to curb Modi’s Transnational Repression of Sikh diaspora:

  • Remove the rogue nation India from membership of the Quad.
  • Modi’s Intelligence Agencies have hired assassins in North America by paying cash

bounties to assassinate diaspora Sikh Independence leaders.

  • Modi’s hired assassins have already killed four (4) Sikh leaders including Hardeep Singh

Nijjar in Canada.

  • Modi paid cash bounty to kill US Citizen Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, Legal Counsel of

Sikhs for Justice (SFJ). His would-be assassin is now in US custody and undertrial in

Southern District Court of Manhattan in NYC.

  • There are currently two (2) Bills in 118th US Congress: 1) Senate Bill S. 831 and 2) House

Resolution HR. 3654 to curb Transnational Repression seeking actions against foreign

governments who intimidate, silence, or harm members of diaspora and exile communities

to prevent them from exercising their human rights.

  • These Bills require the US President to impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions on

certain foreign persons (individuals and entities) that directly engage in transnational


  • US Sikh diaspora appeals for the revocation of Modi’s US visa (as was done for his role in

committing 2002 Muslim Genocide in India).“Sikhs are sovereign people and are entitled to determine their own destiny by a peaceful

Referendum without any threat or force”, said Himmat Singh. SCCEC leadership and its working

committee is appealing all US Sikh organizations to participate in these protests in large numbers

to give a strong message to tyrant Modi.

Issued by:

Himmat Singh – Coordinator, SCCEC

Harjinder Singh – Media Spokesman, SCCEC


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