M. Teji

(Asian Independent)

The Kisaan from Punjab have shown the world that with blessing of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Govind Singh Ji even impossibilities can turn into possibilities.

Mr Modi wanted to stop the Kisaan protest coming from Punjab to Delhi. He ordered for massive stone blocks to be placed and large holes dug in the roads. He also authorised usage of water cannons and tear gas but have failed to stop the protestors from reaching Delhi.

The cranes were used to put the concrete blocks but the Punjabi youth who had blessing of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Govind Singh Ji moved them with their bare hands. With bare hands they have also filled the large holes those were dug with the help of the JCB digger machines. This indeed is unthinkable but has happened and media holds proof.

The Bollywood through clips in their films have shown that the youth in Punjab have become drug addicts and it is quite likely that the BJP Government from such scenes drew a conclusion that these measures would be enough to stop them but have failed because PUNJAB is the land of the warriors and the Gurus who have fought wars and sacrificed their lives to free Mata Bharat from clutches of the Muslim and the English reign.

Although the Haryana went along with the Central Government but the farmers from Haryana joined with the Punjab farmers and helped them in every way to make certain that the protest reached Delhi and since both are operating as a cohesive unit.

Not only Haryana has joined with Punjab but the farmers from all over India are arriving to join in the protest to show of dismay to the three laws the BJP Government has introduced without any consultation. They fear that the BJP Government is after their livelihood.

In India democracy is fading away. In democracy. The people’s voice should be heard and laws made accordingly but the BJP is passing laws as to their choice and is forcibly enforcing them onto the citizens. Not only the Kisaans but the general public has also travelled from many states of India to Delhi to oppose these laws but the Government is standing firm to sustain them. Is fascism taking over into India?

The Punjabis plus the Kisaans throughout India have finally come to understand that through this idea of the corporation’s the farmers are bound to lose their land to these organisations. It is a well worked out strategy of the BJP Government and this is why is adamant to sustain it even though millions have gathered in Delhi in protest to these three agricultural laws.

The farmers are voicing that their children are either becoming farmers or joining the Military and are protecting borders of their motherland Bharat. These soldiers are enduring all types of weather and dangers on our borders. They are mostly from the farming and the muzdhoor communities.

It is hard to imagine what is going through their minds at this moment when they are seeing that the Prime Minister Mr Modi who often visits their military bases and credits them for their performance and on the other hand is stealing livelihood of their families.

The promoters of Hindu Raj in India are not sweating in the fields to feed the nation or facing the dangers on the borders of Mata Bharat but are making corporations to steal livelihood of the Kisaan and the muzdhoor families.

These new amendments and laws being introduced without any consultation are laying the foundation to Hindutva and introduction of Manusimirity.

The farmers, the muzdhoors and all the people living on or below the poverty line, fear that their future looks very bleak under the BJP Government. 85% is ruled by the 15% and it is about time the 85% woke up and find ways to stop their advancement.

Failing Hindu control will be all over India. Spreading of Hindutva all over India is the main agenda of this Government. The Prime Minister Mr. Modi has a mission to fulfil this is why he is turning a blind eye to plea of millions protesting in Delhi.

In Delhi caste, culture or creed does not apply, all are benefitting from the langar sewa. The Sikh, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians plus other communities have availed langar for the protestors.

From the senior citizens aged ninety to the children aged six are participating in this protest. This protest has awakened worldwide awareness and demonstrations are taking place all over the globe.

Worldwide support is behind this humble plea of the Kisaans in India.

Jai Bharat.
– M. Teji