Iran will target US, allies if attacked

Chief of Staff of Iranian Armed Forces Mohammad Baqeri.

Tehran,  Iranian forces will not only target US but also its allies in case of aggression against Iran by Washington, Iran’s Armed Forces spokesman has said.

“Any place and any territorial point sheltering the interests of the United States and its allies would be threatened (in case of aggression against Iran) as Iran has proved that it is capable of doing this,” Abolfazl Shekarchi was quoted as saying by Press TV on Sunday.

Shekarchi said that even “if a country is not directly involved in a possible war (against Iran), but its territory is used by the enemy, we would consider that country ‘hostile’ territory and treat it like an aggressor”, Xinhua reported.

On October 22, Chief of Staff of Iranian Armed Forces Mohammad Baqeri said that Iran’s military capabilities are for deterrent purposes, however, “enemies will have to pay heavy costs if they carry out any act of aggression against the country”.