International call to support the resistance of Dr. G.N. Saibaba!


(Asian Independent)

Professor at Delhi University Dr. G.N. Saibaba has been held in Nagpur Central Prison since 2014, despite being 90 percent disabled. Well-known outside of India, attending many conferences abroad, human rights advocate Dr. G.N. Saibaba started a hunger strike on 21 October 2020, to condemn human rights violations in prison, as well as demanding medical care, books, and sending letters, which is the most fundamental right of every prisoner.

Saibaba, who is in life threatening condition due to many chronic illnesses he suffers from, had previously applied to the Supreme Court, but his brother’s house, which he showed as the address, was rejected because it was within the boundaries of the COVID 19 quarantine. At the current stage, the necessary medical needs are not met, and the medical supplies that his family wants to send are rejected. In addition, the books, letters, and newspaper clippings sent to him by his friends and family from outside have not been given for months. Letters and books are a prisoner’s most natural right and only connection with the outside. Not allowing them to him is a violation of human rights.

As if all this were not enough, Dr. G.N. Saibaba has been prevented from meeting with his lawyers on the pretext of getting COVID-19 for months. He is only allowed to speak to his lawyers by phone twice a month. Preventing him from meeting with his family, friends, and lawyers, and preventing the sending of books, magazines, letters, and newspapers from outside, is an attempt to cut his relationship with the outside world.

With his arrest, the Indian state is trying to achieve multiple goals, preventing him from giving lectures at university as well as cut his communication with outside to arrest his thoughts as well. Dr G.N Saibaba is not the only prisoners facing the human rights violations in India, there are thousands like him. Thousands of people in many countries of the world are arrested, tortured, and mistreated in prisons for their political ideas and opinions.

Dr. G.N. Saibaba’s Freedom Is Possible Through Solidarity!

We, the undersigned, are calling on the international public to announce for Dr Saibaba to be freed, to be treated in a healthy environment, to be given his medicines, books, letters, and newspapers! The hunger strike initiated by Dr G.N Saibaba can only end with victory with the support of Democratic organisations and Individuals. We urge the democratic organisations and individuals to force the Ministry of Justice of India and Nagpur Central Prison to meet the needs of Dr G.N Saibaba!

We call on all organizations and individuals in the international arena to organise solidarity campaigns in their fields to support Dr Saibaba’s resistance!


ATİK – Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe
UPOTUDAK- International Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners
Secours Rouge International
Secours Rouge Toulouse
Le CRI Rouge pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires
Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple Marocainc
Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo –Mexiko
Soccorso Rosso proletario – Italia