Mitej Teji


(Asian Independent)- Following a single FIR filed in a Police Station in Uttar Pradesh, to everyone’s surprise Chief Minister Adyta Nath Yogi has put a ban on selling of the Halal meat and the Halal meat products in Uttar Pradesh. It warns that all the Individuals and the companies involved in this act should immediately stop. Failure to oblige will result in imprisonment.

It is quite hard to understand, that following registering of the FIR, on what grounds this ban has so soon come into force. Is it a pre planned operation to invoke hatred against the Muslim? It seems that Uttar Pradesh has ignited a hateful flame which as expected will explode and help BJP to victory in the 2024 General Election in India.

Now it is Halal meat and next could be the Jatka Meat. If these both get banned then it might lead to a total ban on consumption of meat throughout India. All the religions have their own customs and beliefs and especially when all are living so close then it does fall on everyone to respect and appreciate each other’s culture. By spreading of hatred, the cultural values cannot be destroyed.

The 15% want to maintain their ruling in India. They have always instigated hatred under the banner of Dharma and have been successful. Unfortunately, the 85% is failing to understand that they are the ones responsible for their success.

Whilst they are sitting comfortably in their dwellings, the 85% are eyeing each other. The 15% are sending their children abroad to study and are privatising the education in India. Out of 85%, the majority cannot afford private education so their future looks very bleak. Very intentionally the free education is being phased out to keep the lower end where they are.

In the coming year 2024, there is going to be a lot of election propaganda. All the leaders to gain votes will be putting across their own versions. The public should thoroughly think before voting because the future of their coming generations rests on this General Election.

In 2014 elections, Mr Narendra Modi to gain votes presented himself as an OBC. He put across that his father had a tea stall in a railway station and his late mother washed utensils in the neighbourhood. He comes from a poor family and he does understand the hardships faced by the poor and if successful his first priority will be to improve their conditions.

Majority built trust in him and casted their votes in his favour. After victory, people noticed that he had no interest in their welfare at all. All were disheartened.

In 2019, the Phulvama incident led him to victory but now in 2024 elections, it is being predicted by some that something drastic may happen that would turn the votes in the BJP’s favour.

Rahul Gandhi’s speeches shows that deep down in his heart are buried feelings for the under privileged people. He did a 3000 kilometre yatra by just wearing a short sleeve shirt during the coldest months in India. A lot of Criticism was raised about his shirt but he never budged.

He did this yatra to get the public on the road to free them from the fear they were living with. Millions came out on the roads to cheer the yatra and to show Rahul Gandhi their appreciation. The yatra has given them their lost confidence again and since have come out and have openly raised their issues.

Mr Modi came into power through 85%‘s voting but after being successful, his interests were diverted towards promoting of the 15%. Since 2014 the rich have become richer and the poor have become so poor that they are living on the small food packages allocated by the Government.

Since 2014 heinous crimes against the lower castes, shudras and the Muslim have increased. The Government and the authorities are turning a blind eye to their sufferings. It is on the record that the Police in various incidents, instead of protecting the victims have stood in support of the offenders.

A few years ago, Rahul Gandhi stood with the Adhivasi people to stop the rich from confiscating their land that has been theirs since thousands of years.

The Adhivasi are the true inhabitants of India and under their locations are rich resources and the rich want to get their hands on them. Instead of Adhivasi a new name Vanvaasi has been given. Adhivasi symbolises ownership of the land where as Vanvaasi symbolises that someone has come and settled on the land.

Under Vanvaasi name they can be moved from the area without much difficulty because a settler does not have full right as an Adhivasi. Rahul Gandhi plus many more stood for the cause and some are serving jail sentences.

A movement to defame Rahul Gandhi was started and millions has been spent. The name Pappu was given to him but since his Long yatra the name Pappu has disappeared because none of the Politician has got the strength and courage to walk 3000 kilo metres. By walking 3000km Rahul Gandhi has proved that deep down in his heart he has feelings for the poor.

The Adhivasi word is not liked by the Aryans because it shows that they have come and settled in India. To show their selves as Adhivasi of India, a new name Vanvaasi is being given to the real Adhivasi of India.

To understand exactly what has happened since Aryan arrival in India and how they have managed to taken its control. One will have to research hard into Historical Development of India since Aryan arrival. How the Gods have come into the system and why Manusimirity was introduced? Why Ram Charit Manas by Tulsi Dass was written?

India has two sides to its story. One is of the Aggressors and the other is of the Victims. Only by studying both sides, the truth can be found.

Jai Bharat.
M. Teji