In Solidarity: Demand Buddhist Control Over the Mahabodhi Mahavihara Temple



Dear Friends, Namo Buddhay

We, the undersigned, stand in unwavering solidarity with the Buddhist monks and followers protesting in Bodh Gaya to demand the rightful transfer of the Mahabodhi Mahavihara Temple’s administration to the Buddhist community. This sacred site, where Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment, deserves to be managed by those who uphold its spiritual and historical significance.

Under the Bodhgaya Temple Act of 1949, the temple’s governing body (BTMC) unfairly places non-Buddhists in the majority, including the chairman’s role. This discriminatory structure denies Buddhists the fundamental right to manage their holiest pilgrimage site—an autonomy granted to every other religious community in India. The current administration’s actions have led to repeated attempts to distort Buddhist history and diminish the temple’s sacred identity.

Today, Buddhist monks and leaders have entered the Twelfth day of a hunger strike to bring attention to this injustice. Their demands are clear and just:

  1. Full transfer of Mahabodhi Temple management to Buddhists.
  2. Repeal of the Bodhgaya Temple Act of 1949.
  3. An end to state interference in Buddhist religious affairs.
  4. Justice to the hunger strike monks-Bhante.

Despite international support from Buddhist communities in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, China, Nepal, Mongolia, Bhutan, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, UK, Canada and Mongolia, the Indian government remains silent. The Bihar administration has not only ignored peaceful protests but has also resorted to intimidation and suppression.

We call on you to stand with us to demand justice and the rightful return of the Mahabodhi Temple to the Indian Buddhist community.

Together, let’s preserve the enduring legacy of Buddha and Emperor Ashoka, and ensure that Bodh Gaya remains a sanctuary of pure Buddhist worship and pilgrimage for all faith.

News Media Reference
In solidarity,

Below undersigned Organization’s Name
Buddhist Council of America
All India Buddhist Forum
Metta Parami monastery
Bodhimaggo Mahavihara
Dhamma Waves
Buddhist seminary
Hinayana buddhism trust
Sanghakaya foundation
Vipassana Educational & Social Trust
Indian Buddhist center ( IBC)
Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara
Midwest Buddhist Center
Watpaknam Buddhist Vihara
Ambedkarite Buddhist Community of Canada (ABCC)
Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations UK (FABO)
Dr Ambedkar Buddhist organisation Birmingham UK
Samaj Weekly, UK
The Asian Independent, UK
Ambedkar Mission Society, Bedford UK
Ambedkar Buddhist Association of Texas-ABAT
Chetna Association of Canada
Ambedkarite International Co-Ordination Society-AICS
Ambedkarites International Mission Society-Canada (AIMS)
International Bahujan Organization-IBO
International Boddhisativa Guru Ravidass Organization Inc-IBGRO
Indian Association of Minority Of New Zealand-IAMN
Friends For Education International-FFEI
Global Bahujan Group-GBG
Global NRIs Forum-GNF
South Asian Dalit Adivasi Network, Canada-SADAN
Ambedkar Times
Desh Doaba
Ad Dharm Brotherhood USA
Bhim International Foundation USA
Women Empowerment Sangha
Dr Ambedkar Society Germany Europe
Ambedkar International Mission, Europe
Ambedkar King Study Circle -AKSC
Samata Sainik Dal-SSD