Humble request to a gentleman living in South Australia


Humble request to a gentleman living in South Australia

(Harjinder pal Chhabra) Reporter

(Asian Independent)- As you know the 36th Australian Sikh Games to be held in Adelaide this Easter 29th to 31st March 2024 Hosting these games that have made their own standout destinations around the world is extremely difficult and responsive in itself. Even though these games now involve players and spectators from all over the world, but according to the tradition of these games, the state holds the responsibility of all the games.

Following the huge success of the 2017 Adelaide Games there has been a huge rise in our responsibility and public expectations of us this time. So it is a humble request to you that if you live in South Australia consider it your public duty to be a part of this great cause.

You can participate in this work physically or financially. It is estimated that our state will host more than one lakh people in three days. So where a lot of Maya is needed, a lot of servants are needed.

This work can be involved in different forms, such as: you can write your name in the list of servers, you can advertise your business, you can help in the form of material, you can set up your own stall. You can participate in sports, you can showcase your art in cultural activities or you can share your valuable views by being a part of Sikh Forums.

Great response so far but if you would like to be a part of this project in some way please contact us asap. Those who wish to help can take our PAY ID and contact number from the poster .