Family members, relatives and friends from Berkshire, Bedford, Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds, London and Wolverhampton converged to Feast India, Melton Road, Leicester on Sunday 9th December when winner of Outstanding Achievement Award at British Heart Foundation Awards 2018 Sulakhan Singh Dard and Gurmit Kaur Dard celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.

The happy couple were married at village Rurka Kalan in Punjab, India in 1958 and came to the UK four years later.  They have six children and ten grandchildren.  A very special card and good wishes message was sent to them by Her Majesty The Queen.  One of their son, Balraj Singh and his family came especially from New Hampshire in USA.  A nephew of Mr. Dard, Harkrishan Singh Sodhi came from India for the celebrations.

As well as mouth-watering food, a special ‘Happy 60th Anniversary’  vegetarian cake was enjoyed by everyone.  The celebrations concluded with a magnificent fire works display at the family home.

Sulakhan Singh thanked everyone for joining them and commented that their long happy marriage is due to love, respect, give and take, not disclosing your partner’s bad points to anyone as we all have bad points, not forgetting good deeds done by others, always respect your elders and above all be grateful to the Almighty God for his blessings.

  • By – Tarlochan Singh Virk