Amritsar: Delhi Chief Minister & AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal with Punjab AAP President & CM candidate Bhagwant Mann, during a road show ahead of the Punjab Assembly elections, in Amritsar, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022. (PTI Photo)(PTI02_13_2022_000085B)

(Asian independent) The whole world is watching with interest in manner the elections are being conducted in Uttar Pradesh in India.  The Constitution of India gives right to all to vote as per their choice but in UP elections, such is not happening.

The names from the voting lists are disappearing and the voter’s on arrival are being told that their votes have already been casted.  In vast numbers, the voters are coming to vote against BJP because their trust has been damaged.

Since 2014, the public has placed trust in the Government but now have come to realise that their votes are being gained through false promises and have decided that change of Government is essential to save the Constitution and preserve solidarity in India.

The issue of Hijab is intentionally being extorted to develop it into hatred against the Muslims.  This has raised worldwide awareness because only to gain votes this type of atmosphere is being created.  The voters are being stopped from reaching the voting booths to keep the numbers down.

The general feeling is that this sort of behaviour may result in bloodshed and to stop this, voices are being raised for fair voting but the Election Commission so far has failed to intervene.

It seems Hindutva’s main agenda is to promote hatred via caste, Varnas and religion.   Discussions on the TV channels are being transmitted those fuel hatred.   The poor and the minorities are living in

fear because they have no means to defend.   For their safety, they are relying on the Election Commission.   Any form of bloodshed would be a big setback for India.

It has come to light that the name Dalit has been given to Harijans by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar because they disapproved of the name Harijan which was given to them by Mahatma Gandhi.  There has always been a lot of controversy to how the word Dalit has come into effect.  Even today, a lot of controversy is still around to who these Dalits are?

The Adhi- Dharam movement was active in Punjab when the Independence was being claimed from the British Government.  Mahatma Gandhi took shelter in the Valmiki Mandir Delhi for many months to show of his solidarity towards lower end of the society.

There were other temples in Delhi but why did he choose the Valmikian Mandir for his purpose.  Different views are held to this but fact remains he was a very intelligent person and must have had good reasons to this.   There are people who to promote their own agendas are putting it across in different ways.

Today a lot of scholars and speakers are coming forward in praise of Dr B. R. Ambedkar but are failing to cover the time of his need.  It was the Valmikians and the Ravidassians of Punjab who stood by his side.

When Gandhi Ji sat on death fast, Babu Chuni Lal Thapper (a valmikian) and Babu Mangu Ram (a Ravidassian) sat in oppose to him.   This proves that in time on need it was Punjab that stood by his side.

Now BJP through Hindutva has started Hindu Rashtra movement.  A lot of controversy surround around the word Hindu.  Who are Hindus?  Is Hindu just one sect of people?  What does JAI HIND symbolise?

JAI HIND symbolises of equality and outlaws division through hatred.  If India is presented as Hind then all the citizens regardless of caste, culture or creed are Hindus.  One group or party cannot claim this right.   India has become a secular country and will always remain same.

Via Hindutva movement, hatred has started to penetrate into the system.  Division amongst the citizens through religion and Varnas has started to seep in.    Brotherhood amongst the societies is breaking down.   It is opening pathway to mob lynching of the minorities.  Bloodshed is on the cards.

BJP wants to bring back old Varna system that has been outlawed by the Constitution.  To save India and it’s Constitution, we will have to rise above our beliefs and put humanity above all.  Only then this uprising of Hindutva movement can be cordoned.

Punjab has suffered a great loss that cannot be weighed.  Influential figure, Deep Sidhu has suddenly passed away.  His demise has left a gap that cannot be filled.  He will be remembered and respected as a true Sikh who has put his religion and Punjab above his own interests.  He has left a path for the Punjabi youths to follow.

Finally, Guru Ravi Dass ji’s Pargat Utsab was celebrated worldwide.  As usual, followers in millions have travelled to Varanasi to pay their respect.

Many Party Leaders and the MP’s have joined in this celebration.  Guru Ravi Dass Ji stood in defence of down trodden people.  He started movement to equality and many believe that Dr BR Ambedkar has followed his path.

Mitej Teji