– Mitej Teji

(Asian Independent)- The Guardian reporter Hanna Ellis Peterson has stated that “New City, Old Schism”: My dispatch from Gurgaon, India’s modern metropolis which every Friday for months has been descending into a religious battlefield. I will never forget what I witnessed in a dusty cark park in sector 37 this week.

She is referring to up heal caused through RSS supporters on 03-12-2021 to stop Friday Namaaz in Gurgaon, Haryana. She was present here and has witnessed this incident and has raised awareness to BJP Government.

She has pointed that the developments in Gurgaon reflect division between the Hindus and Muslims that have opened up across India since the Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party won power in 2014. The BJP been accused of fanning the flames of communal tension and enabling a persecution of Muslims – A charge it denies.

Further to Hanna Ellis Peterson’s statement, I would like to addition that not only the Muslims are on BJP’s target. The Dalit, the Sikh and the Christians are also on the list. The Dalits are attacked on daily basis but the Muslim, Sikh and Christian Issues are brought to light during election periods.

The BJP Government in 2014 and 2019 has spread hatred to gain votes and have been successful but this time the public has lost confidence in it and are unhappy with its performance. They can see that it is standing in for the corporations and is totally ignoring them. It is also selling Government assets at knock down prices to selected individuals and through this a lot of annoyance is around.

The BJP to establish Hindutva in India has privatised education and this has withdrawn a lot of facilities laid by the previous Governments for under privileged people. The Constitution does contain laws on this but are being ignored. This Government wants to put an end to Dalit progress, therefore is failing to give any attention.

Hindutva is going to take India a thousand year backward because they want to reinstate laws as per Manusmirity. It has spread hatred through which the Dalits even today are falling prey on daily basis and deaths are happening. Unfortunately, the offenders are walking free and the Police is showing of no interest to arrest them and in some cases have also destroyed evidences.

The Princess of UEA is deeply upset in the manner the Muslims are being treated In India under this Government. She has with regret issued a statement that Hinduism includes both teachings that condemn violence and war. Real Hindus do not kill women, children and elderly or destroy homes and places of worship.

These killers are not Hindu but they are terrorists.

Even the Prime Minister of Pakistan has also showed deep concern following the vigilante attack in a factory in Sialkot and burning alive of Sri Lankan Manager. He has mentioned it as a day of shame for Pakistan.

Following the incident, he has issued this statement that I am overseeing the investigations and let there be no mistakes, all those responsible will be punished with full severity of Law. Arrests are in progress.

What is happening in India is unimaginable. It looks like that the BJP is willing to go any extent to keep reign in Uttar Pradesh. Mob lynching, rapes and torturing is on increase. Atmosphere of fear is being created in hope that it will cast votes in their favour.

Democracy in India is at stake and other democratic countries are keenly watching the developments because there signs of fascism seeping in.

In Britain request for Caste Act was made and following Parliament discussions and referendum, it was approved but not implemented because some Hindus claim was that caste difference is nonexistent neither in India and nor in Britain.

But now it can be easily seen that the judgments in India are being made as per caste. The offenders mostly are from higher end of the society and are let of the hook and the victims are put behind the bars because they come from lower end of the society. The caste difference is decision maker in India.

RSS movement is present in Britain and a lot of people from lower castes are experiencing it’s effect. This justifies implementation of the pending caste Act in Britain and request for reconsideration should be made to the Government.

The President Honourable Joe Biden is also deeply concerned about RSS presence in America. Honourable Boris Johnson should also to look into this because this taboo of caste difference needs to be ironed out.

Jai Bheem – Jai Bharat

– Mitej Teji