Hamas slams damages to children’s hospital during Israeli strikes


Gaza, (Asian independent) The Hamas has condemned the damages to a children’s hospital in Gaza city during Israeli airstrikes that targeted the Islamic Movement’s military facilities in the Gaza Strip in retaliation to rocket attacks.

On Saturday, Hazem Qassem, the spokesman of the Islamic movement that rules the besieged coastal enclave, said in a statement that the Israeli aerial attack was “a barbaric aggression”, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The airstrikes and bombings terrified civilians, and the shrapnel of the missiles hit a children’s hospital and a rehabilitation centre for disabled people,” Qassem said.

Earlier on Saturday, Israeli warplanes struck targets belong to Hamas military wing in the Gaza Strip in response to firing rockets into southern Israel.

According to sources, the Israeli missiles struck Hamas training facilities in eastern, western, and northern Gaza city, adding that two people, including a six-year-old child, were injured.

The sources also said that the Israeli airstrikes caused damage to al-Durra hospital for children in northeast Gaza city.

The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip came in response to two rockets attacks late on Friday night from the coastal enclave into southern Israel, no injuries or damages were caused.

No one claimed responsibility for the rockets firing.