Ganesh Bahadur Kunwar is going to attend The 16th ASFAA, Asiana Sport for All Association, Congress Busan 2022

Ganesh File Picture
(Asian Independent)- Ganesh Bahadur Kunwar is invited to attend The 16th ASFAA(Asiana Sport for All Association) Congress Busan 2022 from 19th to 22nd October in Busan, Korea.

Mr. Ganesh Bahadur Kunwar will represent Nepal ASFAA(Asiana Sport for the All Association) a continental body of TAFISA – The Association For International Sport for All.
The Association For International Sport for All (TAFISA) is an international non-profit sport for all organization that aims to bring joy, health, social interaction, integration, and development to communities and citizens around the globe through the promotion of sport for all and physical activity.  TAFISA counts over 100,000 members in more than 230 countries on all continents. The organization cooperates with the UN, WHO, UNESCO, the IOC, and ICSSPE.
Ganesh Bahadur Kunwar is the promotor of Traditional Sports and games in Nepal. He attends One of the most important events of UNESCO, the 4th Collective Consultation Meeting of TSG, Traditional Games and Sports, UNESCO, which was held from August 12th through the 15th in Istanbul, Turkey. He was honored by Mr. Bilal Erdogan Necmettin, the second child of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey and President of The World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC). Mr. Kunwar also represent Nepal in the World Nomad Games in 2018 in Kyrgyzstan.
Ganesh Bahadur Kunwar is a member of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games to represent Nepal and he was appointed by Mr. Shammi Rana Secretary-General of the International Council of Traditional Sports and Games.
        Ganesh with Kyrgyzstan’s Sports Minister Kanat Amankulov
           Ganesh with Shammi Rana
         Ganesh with Billal
                Ganesh in World Nomad Games 2018