New Delhi, Fuel prices in the country continued their upward movement on Saturday, with petrol costing nearly Rs 91 a litre in Mumbai.
In the country’s financial capital, petrol was priced at Rs 90.75 per litre, up from Rs 90.57 on Friday, data on the Indian Oil Corp’s website showed.
Petrol prices in the other key cities of Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai were at Rs 83.40, Rs 85.21 and Rs 86.70 per litre, respectively — all at new record levels — higher than the previous levels of Rs 83.22, Rs 85.03 and Rs 86.51 per litre.
The increase in transportation fuel prices comes amid surging crude oil prices. Currently, Brent crude oil is priced around $83 per barrel.
Sector experts also attribute the high domestic fuel prices to the high rate of excise duty across the country.
In tandem with petrol, cost of diesel also rose to hit new highs on Saturday.
Prices of the fuel in the four metros of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai were Rs 74.63, Rs 76.48, Rs 79.23 and Rs 78.91 a litre, respectively, up from the Friday’s levels of Rs 74.42, Rs 76.27, Rs 79.01 and Rs 78.69 per litre.