France calls for swift formation of new Lebanese cabinet

French Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian

Paris,  French Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian on Thursday said “it’s essential” for Lebanon to quickly create a new government after Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned amid nationwide anti-government protests.

“It is essential for the future of Lebanon that a government be quickly formed to carry out the reforms that the country needs,” Le Drian said in a statement, reports Xinhua news agency.

Le Drian called on Lebanon’s different political forces to pave the way for a new cabinet able to push forward with necessary economic reforms to meet people “legitimate aspirations.”

“In the context of the economic, social and political crisis that Lebanon has been experiencing for several weeks, it is up to all Lebanese political leaders to promote a spirit of national unity and responsibility to guarantee stability, security and the country’s general interest,” Le Drian said.