Food chain resilience in a changing world: conference presentations


The presentations from the 2018 Government Chemist Conference are now available

Conference programme, abstracts and biographies (PDF8.31MB39 pages)

Presentations from the 2018 Government Chemist Conference can be found below:

Welcome and introduction, Julian Braybrook, Government Chemist (PDF1.52MB16 pages)

Referee casework outcomes, Michael Walker, Consultant Referee Analyst, LGC (PDF2.55MB65 pages)

Application of whole genome sequencing for public health interventions around foodborne pathogens, Kathie Grant, Public Health England (PDF2.75MB31 pages)

Resilience through food forensics – essential post EU exit, Jon Griffin, President of the Association of Public Analysts (PDF1.44MB21 pages)

Regulating Our Future – modernising food regulation in the UK, Catriona Stewart, Food Standards Agency (PDF1.28MB22 pages)

The European Commission Knowledge Centre for food fraud and quality, Franz Ulberth, European Commission Joint Research Centre (PDF2.37MB30 pages)

Road map for the harmonisation of DNA testing for meat speciation, Timothy Wilkes, LGC (PDF1000KB30 pages)

Are your genes to blame when your jeans don’t fit?, Giles Yeo, MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, University of Cambridge (PDF1.99MB17 pages)

How the food industry is preparing for EU exit, Helen Munday, Food and Drink Federation (PDF1.46MB20 pages)

How can measurement science assist in improving the molecular detection and management of antimicrobial resistance?, Jim Huggett, LGC / University of Surrey (PDF2.57MB28 pages)

Early warning systems to detect, predict and assess food fraud, Yamine Bouzembrak, RIKILT (PDF5.7MB31 pages)

How far have we come since horse-gate; global tools available to fight food fraud, Selvarani Elahi, LGC (PDF1.71MB36 pages)

Accelerating rice improvement in South Asia, Katherine Steele, Bangor University (PDF3.1MB30 pages)

The Hand That Feeds: A musical about food crime, Kate Cooper