First robotic surgical procedure performed in Pakistan


Karachi,  A “successful” robotic surgical procedure was carried out for the first time in Pakistan on a female patient at a hospital in Karachi, the media reported on Sunday.

The procedure called hysterectomy took place on Saturday, the concluding day of a three-day international multidisciplinary robotic surgery workshop at the Civil Hospital Karachi, reports Dawn news.

Hailing from Balochistan, the woman had intractable bleeding acquiring multiple transfusions.

The procedure was performed through robotic surgery in which the uterus of the 55-year-old patient was removed.

She will be discharged after 24 hours, according to hospital sources.

Robotic surgeons’ team from the King’s College London and St Thomas Hospitals London carried out the procedure along with a team of support staff.

Medical experts have described the “successful” procedure as a major breakthrough in the field of robotic surgery in Pakistan particularly in the field of gynaecology.

They said this would open new vistas of robotic surgery in the country.